What We Do - Measuring Value in a Coach

How Do you Measure Value in a Coach (ROI)?

The research on Return on Investment (ROI) in coaching is diverse. Calculating ROI is not something that will be the same for each individual or organization; it must be customized based on learning objectives and outcomes.  Beginning with the end in mind is key in determining how metrics are used.

Here are the steps used to determine ROI:

  1. Align the solution with the client’s or organization’s needs
  2. Determine stakeholders – this could include the client, Human Resources, Managers and more
  3. Determine the desired impact
  4. Determine how to link the desired impact to changes in behavior, learning needs, or satisfaction needs
  5. Define objectives or goals for each level of measure, how data will be collected and from whom and at what timing intervals

Some of the ways data are collected include:

  • Interviews before coaching engagement and at the end of coaching engagement. It may be especially helpful to interview candidates other than the client (360-degree interviewing/feedback)
  • Administering a psychometric assessment before and after the coaching engagement; specifically assess an area, such as emotional intelligence
  • Determine a list of criteria to be evaluated over a time period. Have the client and/or organization document what has been witnessed differently. This may include why what was done that benefitted the business, how an outcome was obtained, what success is based upon, and identifying the long-term benefit for the organization.