What We Do - Assessments


Assessments are a great tool to gather information about individual or group dynamics, communication styles, decision-making skills, conflict management skills, and emotional intelligence skills. Most individuals enjoy taking assessments and receiving interpretative reports because they learn about themselves at a breadth and depth level. Assessments help to explain the what, why, and how we behave accordingly. They can also demonstrate areas to target for growth and development.

Some organizations like to use assessments as part of their hiring process, to recruit for a specific style that will provide a complimentary blend to a team. Most coaches use assessments to gather information that determines the direction of the coaching engagement and specific areas for development. Assessments are also a great tool to build rapport between coach and client, as it gives the coaching engagement some immediate feedback and a jumping-off point.

Assessments may be included as part of the coaching engagement, or if you just want to take an assessment to learn more about yourself, that is also an option. In a coaching engagement, we will usually recommend at least one assessment to learn about an individual’s preferences. Then, depending upon the reason for the coaching engagement, we may recommend another assessment to determine the areas of focus and how they function in tandem with preferences revealed from the first assessment.

A preferred assessment is the Positive Intelligence® Saboteur Assessment to learn how you self-sabotage by overusing or abusing your top strengths. Saboteurs are the source of all your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. They negatively impact your performance, well-being and relationships at home and work. Another favorite assessment is the BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory® to learn about the numerous skills that implicate managing and understanding oneself and others. The EQ assessment measures competency across 15 different skill areas and indicates areas for greatest development. Assessments may be administered to individuals, groups, teams, or 360 version. All assessment results are kept confidential. For the EQi360, the results are anonymously consolidated and reported back to the client to use as part of the coaching engagement. To read more about these assessments, we encourage you to click on the following tabs: